A BUSH rat called Oyot was a great friend of Emiong, the bat; they always fed together, but the bat was jealous
of the bush rat. When the bat cooked the food it was always very good, and the bush rat said, "How is it that when you make
the soup it is so tasty?"
The bat replied, "I always boil myself in the water, and my flesh is so sweet, that the soup is good."
He then told the bush rat that he would show him how it was done; so he got a pot of warm water, which he told
the bush rat was boiling water, and jumped into it, and very shortly afterwards came out again. When the soup was brought
it was as strong and good as usual, as the bat had prepared it beforehand.
The bush rat then went home and told his wife that he was going to make good soup like the bat's. He therefore
told her to boil some water, which she did. Then, when his wife was not looking, he jumped into the pot, and was very soon
When his wife looked into the pot and saw the dead body of her husband boiling she was very angry, and reported
the matter to the king, who gave orders that the bat should be made a prisoner. Every one turned out to catch the bat, but
as he expected trouble he flew away into the bush and hid himself. All day long the people tried to catch him, so he had to
change his habits, and only came out to feed when it was dark, and that is why you never see a bat in the daytime.
Why the Bat is Ashamed to be seen in the Daytime
THERE was once an old mother sheep who had seven lambs, and one day the bat, who was about to make a visit to his father-in-law
who lived a long day's march away, went to the old sheep and asked her to lend him one of her young lambs to carry his load
for him. At first the mother sheep refused, but as the young lamb was anxious to travel and see something of the world, and
begged to be allowed to go, at last she reluctantly consented. So in the morning at daylight the bat and the lamb set off
together, the lamb carrying the bat's drinking-horn. When they reached half-way, the bat told the lamb to leave the horn underneath
a bamboo tree. Directly he arrived at the house, he sent the lamb back to get the horn. When the lamb had gone the bat's father-in-law
brought him food, and the bat ate it all, leaving nothing for the lamb. When the lamb returned, the bat said to him, "Hullo!
you have arrived at last I see, but you are too late for food; it is all finished." He then sent t! he lamb back to the tree
with the and then told the sheep that she might leave the matter entirely to him, and he would take ample revenge on the bat
for his cruel treatment of her son.
Very soon after this the bat thought he would again go and see his father-in-law, so he went to the mother sheep again
and asked her for one of her sons to carry his load as before. The tortoise, who happened to be present, told the bat that
he was going in that direction, and would cheerfully carry his load for him. They set out on their journey the following day,
and when they arrived at the half-way halting-place the bat pursued the same tactics that he had on the previous occasion.
He told the tortoise to hide his drinking-horn under the same tree as the lamb had hidden it before; this the tortoise did,
but when the bat was not looking he picked up the drinking-horn again and hid it in his bag. When they arrived at the house
the tortoise hung the horn up out of sight in the back yard, and then sat down in the house. just before it was time for food
the bat sent the tortoise to get the drinking-horn, and the tortoise went outside into the yard, and waited until he heard
! that the beating of the boiled yaosed to be sleeping, and having pulled his cloth to wake him, went away. The tortoise then
got up and ate all the food; when he had finished he carried the bat back again, and took some of the palm-oil and foo-foo
and placed it inside the bat's lips while he was asleep; then the tortoise went to sleep himself. In the morning when he woke
up the bat was more hungry than ever, and in a very bad temper, so he sought out his mother-in-law and started scolding her,
and asked her why she had not brought his food as he had told her to do. She replied she had brought his food, and that he
had eaten it; but this the bat denied, and accused the tortoise of having eaten the food. The woman then said she would call
the people in and they should decide the matter; but the tortoise slipped out first and told the people that the best way
to find out who had eaten the food was to make both the bat and himself rinse their mouths out with clean water into a basi!
n. This they decided to do, so the tortoise got his tooth-stick wh
When all the people had arrived the woman told them how the bat had abused her, and as he still maintained stoutly that
he had had no food for five days, the people said that both he and the tortoise should wash their mouths out with clean water
into two clean calabashes; this was done, and at once it could clearly be seen that the bat had been eating, as there were
distinct traces of the palm-oil and foo-foo which the tortoise had put inside his lips floating on the water. When the people
saw this they decided against the bat, and he was so ashamed that he ran away then and there, and has ever since always hidden
himself in the bush during the daytime, so that no one could see him, and only comes out at night to get his food.
The next day the tortoise returned to the mother sheep and told her what he had done, and that the bat was for ever disgraced.
The old sheep praised him very much, and told all her friends, in consequence of which the reputation of the tortoise for
wisdom was greatly increased throughout the whole country.